Surveyors Creek Public School

From Each Their Best

Telephone02 4737 9571


Office Protocols and Processes

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful school community (Staff, students, parents, caregivers and volunteers) who always support our school and uphold its values of being Safe, Respectful, Learners. However, there are times when issues arise that cooperation and respect are not necessarily always returned, leading to angst for all parties concerned. To ensure that everyone feels valued and respected I have outlined below our School's Office Protocols and Processes.  The girls in our office are always here to help you and are the frontline faces of our school. Please remember that we now have 555 students at our school.

1.       Complaints

 I understand that from time to time things may happen at school, or be reported to you by your child, that may require an immediate explanation or response. As a parent myself, I know that it is easy to become irate and upset if you feel that there has been some injustice. Please remember that the girls in the office are only the conduit between you and your child's teacher, Supervisor, Deputy Principal or Principal. When phoning about an issue that might cause you to be agitated please be mindful of your tone of voice when contacting the office staff in the first instant.  If you clearly state your unhappiness in a calm manner they will take down your concern and get it to the appropriate staff member may be able to help you resolve your issue promptly. Sometimes there may be a delay but someone will get back to you. Please be patient as they maybe on class, out of the school or in meetings at the time.  

2.       Messages to students

It would be appreciated if you could discuss any changes to the structure of your child's day prior to the commencement of the school day. I do understand that there are times when emergencies arise and messages will need to be passed on to students, and when this happens we are only too happy to get the message to them.  We are trying to reduce the number of phone calls received to pass on messages to students throughout the school day. This also limits the disruptions to learning times.

3.       Medical Triage

When a student presents at sick bay our first priority is to make sure their wellbeing is supported. Unless there is a serious injury or it is extremely obvious that the child is sick we will monitor the student to see if their illness subsides. We will phone you if it is an emergency or it is obvious that the child is sick e.g. temperatures, vomiting, coughing and ask you to come and take your child home and seek further medical treatment.  The office staff are unable to take temperatures nor can we leave sick children in the sick bay until home time. At this time of year we can sometimes have 10 or more children in the sickbay at any given time. The office staff can only do their best when triaging ill or injured children and if they do call it is because the child needs to go home.


As we have a large number of students on antibiotics each week. It would be appreciated if you could give the doses before school, when they get home and before bed. This alleviates the strain on the office staff of having to locate students and administer medicine. This also cannot be done unless appropriate paperwork to administer medicine is signed. Please do not send any medication to school without speaking to the girls in the office first to ensure correct procedures are adhered too.

Asthma Suffers

If your child suffers from Asthma could you please make sure they have their ventolin with them when they attend school.

4.       Payments for Excursions, Activities and Events

I am happy to report that we are having less and less issues around the payment of the above. Thank you for your promptness and co-operation, however, we still have a number of parents/carers who miss deadlines and become upset when told that they cannot pay. Remember we try to communicate in a number of ways e.g. Facebook, Schoolbag App, newsletters, school website and notes home. Please do not take it out on the office staff as they are just following procedures. If you are having issues meeting deadlines please call and let us know.


To ensure a harmonious, respectful and cohesive school community environment we would ask you when dealing with our wonderful supportive office staff if you could be mindful that they may not be able to answer all your concerns, queries or complaints at that moment and will need to seek the information required to enable an appropriate resolution or to pass the issue on to an appropriate staff member to deal with it.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Kathy Browne                                                           Mrs Cheree MGurn

Principal                                                                          School Administrative Manger

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