At Surveyors Creek Public School there is Dynamic Teaching, Leading and Learning. We are resilient, take responsibility and have high expectations for all.
Surveyors Creek PS is a metropolitan Primary School located in Glenmore Park in a high socio-economic area within the Penrith Valley. The school was established in 2002 with a current student enrolment of 431 students in 16 mainstream and 4 Inclusive Education classes. An emphasis is placed on inclusion and our inclusive classes are fully integrated in all aspects of the school. We have an experienced and committed staff providing quality teaching in support of high academic expectations. We enjoy strong community support and have a very active Parents and Citizen (P&C) Committee which contributes significantly to school life. Our Well-being Action Team (WAT) ensures all students are known, valued and cared for.
Our students are provided with a challenging curriculum. A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities such as choir, dance and debating are on offer. Our school is also recognised for its numerous sporting achievements at a Regional, State and National level. Surveyors Creek Public School is part of the Penrith Network of Schools.
Surveyors Creek PS is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) School. We strongly believe in implementing strategies that support appropriate student behaviours and create a positive learning environment, which gives our students every opportunity for academic success. Our school motto is "From Each Their Best".
Through our situational analysis we have identified the need for clear and accurate monitoring and analysis of student achievement data on a regular basis which will inform whole school resource allocation for maximum impact and improvement. Teachers will evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices through the Quality Teaching Model.
Our 2024-2027 School Excellence Plan (SEP) is aligned to the NSW Public Education Plan and has embedded strategies to ensure that every learner receives a high-quality education that enables them to excel. Our teachers and staff feel valued, included and supported to perform at their best. All children have the best start in life. Every student achieves ambitious learning goals every year. Every student is known, valued and cared for and every student finishes school ready to succeed in their chosen pathway as an informed, responsible citizen.